31 research outputs found

    Moving boundary and photoelastic coupling in GaAs optomechanical resonators

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    Chip-based cavity optomechanical systems are being considered for applications in sensing, metrology, and quantum information science. Critical to their development is an understanding of how the optical and mechanical modes interact, quantified by the coupling rate g0g_{0}. Here, we develop GaAs optomechanical resonators and investigate the moving dielectric boundary and photoelastic contributions to g0g_{0}. First, we consider coupling between the fundamental radial breathing mechanical mode and a 1550 nm band optical whispering gallery mode in microdisks. For decreasing disk radius from R=5R=5 μ\mum to R=1R=1 μ\mum, simulations and measurements show that g0g_{0} changes from being dominated by the moving boundary contribution to having an equal photoelastic contribution. Next, we design and demonstrate nanobeam optomechanical crystals in which a 2.52.5 GHz mechanical breathing mode couples to a 1550 nm optical mode predominantly through the photoelastic effect. We show a significant (30 %\%) dependence of g0g_{0} on the device's in-plane orientation, resulting from the difference in GaAs photoelastic coefficients along different crystalline axes, with fabricated devices exhibiting g0/2πg_{\text{0}}/2\pi as high as 1.1 MHz for orientation along the [110] axis. GaAs nanobeam optomechanical crystals are a promising system which can combine the demonstrated large optomechanical coupling strength with additional functionality, such as piezoelectric actuation and incorporation of optical gain media

    Resonant, High-Frequency Acousto-Optic Modulators (AOM) Fabricated in a MEMS Foundry Platform

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    Quantifying and mitigating optical surface loss in suspended GaAs photonic integrated circuits

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    Understanding and mitigating optical loss is critical to the development of high-performance photonic integrated circuits (PICs). Especially in high refractive index contrast compound semiconductor (III-V) PICs, surface absorption and scattering can be a significant loss mechanism, and needs to be suppressed. Here, we quantify the optical propagation loss due to surface state absorption in a suspended GaAs photonic integrated circuits (PIC) platform, probe its origins using X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), and show that it can be mitigated by surface passivation using alumina (Al2O3Al_{2}O_{3}). We also explore potential routes towards achieving passive device performance comparable to state-of-the-art silicon PICsComment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Comments welcome !!! v2: fixed typo in equation 1, minor edits in tex

    Tuning and Stabilization of Optomechanical Crystal Cavities Through NEMS Integration

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    Nanobeam optomechanical crystals, in which localized GHz frequency mechanical modes are coupled to wavelength-scale optical modes, are being employed in a variety of experiments across different material platforms. Here, we demonstrate the electrostatic tuning and stabilization of such devices, by integrating a Si3_3N4_4 slot-mode optomechanical crystal cavity with a nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) element, which controls the displacement of an additional "tuning" beam within the optical near-field of the optomechanical cavity. Under DC operation, tuning of the optical cavity wavelength across several optical linewidths with little degradation of the optical quality factor (Q≈105Q\approx10^5) is observed. The AC response of the tuning mechanism is measured, revealing actuator resonance frequencies in the 10 MHz to 20 MHz range, consistent with the predictions from simulations. Feedback control of the optical mode resonance frequency is demonstrated, and alternative actuator geometries are presented

    Acousto-optic and opto-acoustic modulation in piezo-optomechanical circuits

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    Acoustic wave devices provide a promising chip-scale platform for efficiently coupling radio frequency (RF) and optical fields. Here, we use an integrated piezo-optomechanical circuit platform that exploits both the piezoelectric and photoelastic coupling mechanisms to link 2.4 GHz RF waves to 194 THz (1550 nm) optical waves, through coupling to propagating and localized 2.4 GHz acoustic waves. We demonstrate acousto-optic modulation, resonant in both the optical and mechanical domains, in which waveforms encoded on the RF carrier are mapped to the optical field. We also show opto-acoustic modulation, in which the application of optical pulses gates the transmission of propagating acoustic waves. The time-domain characteristics of this system under both pulsed RF and pulsed optical excitation are considered in the context of the different physical pathways involved in driving the acoustic waves, and modeled through the coupled mode equations of cavity optomechanics.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Waveguide integrated GaN distributed Bragg reflector cavity using low-cost nanolithography

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    This work presents the design, fabrication and measurement of gallium nitride (GaN) distributed Bragg reflector cavities integrated with input and output grating couplers. The devices are fabricated using a new, low-cost nanolithography technique: displacement Talbot lithography combined with direct laser writing lithography. The finite-difference time-domain method has been used to design all the components and measured and modelled results show good agreement. Such devices have applications in GaN integrated photonics and biosensing.</p

    Coherent coupling between radio frequency, optical, and acoustic waves in piezo-optomechanical circuits

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    The interaction of optical and mechanical modes in nanoscale optomechanical systems has been widely studied for applications ranging from sensing to quantum information science. Here, we develop a platform for cavity optomechanical circuits in which localized and interacting 1550 nm photons and 2.4 GHz phonons are combined with photonic and phononic waveguides. Working in GaAs facilitates manipulation of the localized mechanical mode either with a radio frequency field through the piezo-electric effect, or optically through the strong photoelastic effect. We use this to demonstrate a novel acoustic wave interference effect, analogous to coherent population trapping in atomic systems, in which the coherent mechanical motion induced by the electrical drive can be completely cancelled out by the optically-driven motion. The ability to manipulate cavity optomechanical systems with equal facility through either photonic or phononic channels enables new device and system architectures for signal transduction between the optical, electrical, and mechanical domains

    High frequency guided mode resonances in mass-loaded, thin film gallium nitride surface acoustic wave devices

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    We demonstrate high-frequency (> 3 GHz), high quality factor radio frequency (RF) resonators in unreleased thin film gallium nitride (GaN) on sapphire and silicon carbide substrates by exploiting acoustic guided mode (Lamb wave) resonances. The associated energy trapping, due to mass loading from the gold electrodes, allows us to efficiently excite these resonances from a 50 Ω\Omega input. The higher phase velocity, combined with lower electrode damping, enables high quality factors with moderate electrode pitch, and provides a viable route towards high-frequency piezoelectric devices. The GaN platform, with its ability to guide and localize high-frequency sound on the surface of a chip with access to high-performance active devices, will serve as a key building block for monolithically integrated RF front-ends.Comment: 5 pages, Submitted for revie